Who We Are

The Office of Vocation & Ministry (OVM) equips and sustains Orthodox youth and young adults to engage their faith, explore their vocation, and grow as servant leaders. The OVM defines vocation as one’s unique and ongoing response to Christ’s call to love God with heart, soul, mind, and strength, and the neighbor as oneself.

Our Mission and Vision
We strive to inspire and sustain youth and young adults, and those who serve them, for a life of Orthodox Christian vocation and purpose.

Our hope is that Orthodox Christian youth and young adults have the opportunity to engage in thriving ministry across North America and become servant leaders for our 21st century Church and world.

Definition of Vocation
Vocation is one’s unique and ongoing response to Christ’s call to love God with heart, soul, mind and strength, and the neighbor as oneself.

Team Ethos

The OVM seeks to be theologically and faithfully Orthodox Christian; to be excellent stewards of the resources of the visionary philanthropists and foundations who support our ministry; to work with integrity, energy, and creativity; to provide engaging and theologically rich programs through effective administration; to publish resources to share learning; and to utilize collaborative inquiry for ongoing program planning and evaluation.